Monday, August 26, 2013

Day 19

This last week started out pretty crazy to say the least.  We seriously thought we were going to have a baby last Monday.  I woke up at 6am with contractions that got progressively worse, to the point where I was in tears and they were coming two minutes apart.  I ended up getting three shots of terbutaline that really only slowed them but didn't stop them, so by 12:30 they were transferring me to labor and delivery to go on a magnesium drip.  Let me just say that I do not recommend these.  I know it was necessary, but it has the MOST miserable side effects!  They did a 24 hour drip, so I pretty much felt like I had a serious case of the flu during those 24 hours.  I had hot flashes, my whole body ached, and no energy to the point where I couldn't even lift my water bottle to take a drink.  I think that is the  most sick I've ever been in my entire life.

So that lasted until 2pm Tuesday, and what is amazing is that as soon as they turned off the magnesium, I felt almost back to normal within an hour!  It was crazy how fast it wore off.  The whole goal of the mag drip is to "wash" my system out so that the contractions will slow down and so that I will respond better to the terbutaline after,?l because the body can build up a tolerance to where that isn't as effective.

The next few days were pretty quiet, just an occasional terb shot, but then Saturday things picked up again and I had to go back on the mag drip.  For 30 hours this time.  It was terrible.  I really, really hope and pray that I don't have to do that again, because I honestly don't know if I have it in me to endure another round.  It is so taxing physically and emotionally.

Despite all the crazy contractions, the great news is that my cervix has held pretty steady throughout the whole ordeal.  It's at 1.6cm as of this morning, and the baby's estimated weight is 4lb 14oz, so he is a really good size for how far along I am.  That is so reassuring to me, that if he were to come early, that he already has a little head start on weight!  The doctor said this morning that if the cervix
continues to be stable, that she will let me go home at 34 weeks.  Still on bedrest, but at least I would  be in my own place, getting to eat my own food, hanging out with my dogs, sleeping in my own bed  and not getting woken up for meds all hours of the night!

So that's where we are. Potentially only 8-9 more days of this, unless the little guy decides to make an
 appearance :) I'll update again soon - wifi is pretty wonky at the hospital so that's been part of the
delay in posts.  Thanks for all the prayers and encouragement - it definitely helps!

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Day 6

We're starting to get settled in to the hospital life routine.  I honestly can't complain about anything - I've received excellent care and every person that I've met here has been just wonderful. Antepartum is a different world than the regular floor - they pretty much just leave me alone unless I need them for anything.  The contractions are continuing, and today my doctor changed the parameters for getting a shot.  The on call doctor this weekend had ordered that if I have 8 contractions in an hour that I should get one, but my regular OB said 4 in an hour whether they see it on the monitor or not that I need a shot.  My cervix is continuing to shorten - yesterday it was down to 1.5cm, so we don't really have a lot of wiggle room to just contract all day.  So this morning I got a shot at 11:30 and that helped - things have been pretty quiet since then.  (ha - as I type that, I just had two contractions in seven minutes. We'll see how that goes!)

I am thankful to be where we are, thankful that our little one is staying put for now.  I am 31 weeks tomorrow, and our main goal is to make it to 34 weeks.  Any time past that will be icing on the cake.  Please also pray for my friend Jennifer who has gone into preterm labor with her twin boys at 27 weeks.  She needs it more than I do right now.  

Friday, August 9, 2013

Baylor Summer Vacay

Since no one really wants to talk about their cervix directly on facebook, I figured I'd leave all the fun details to the ole' blog.  I'll start with yesterday afternoon.

I started having pretty regular contractions at work yesterday around 1:45 (this was after only doing deskwork), which continued to get more intense and closer together, so I laid down on one of the stretchers to see if that would help.  They were soon 3-5 minutes apart, and at 3:45 my very sweet friend Mindy drove me up to the hospital and my mom met me there.  Seth arrived soon after.

Sure enough, it wasn't all in my head and those contractions were the real deal!  I was given a shot of terbutaline to slow them down (which has the not-so-fun side effects of anxiety, feeling jittery, and feeling like your heart is going to beat out of your chest), and also a shot of steroid to help the baby's lungs develop should anything happen.  Overnight they just monitored me and gave me extra IV fluids, and this morning I required another shot to slow contractions.  The specialist arrived about 9ish and did a sonogram to check the length of my cervix. (backtrack to regular OB was concerned that the cervix was a little on the short side at 2.7cm.  She wanted it above 3).  So when he checked it today, it had shortened even more to 2.2cm.  Without a second breath, he said I will be in the hospital on bedrest for at least 2-4 weeks.  Closer to the 4 week mark being more realistic.  And possibly longer.  He wants me to be 36 weeks before he is comfortable with me delivering.

Soooo, yeah.  It's a bit of a shocker.

They will check the length again on Monday, and I'm not sure how frequently after that.  But I'm on another oral med every six hours to relax my uterus (and have a beet red, burning hot face because of that one).

I know I'm exactly where I need to be right now to keep my baby safe, and I know that God is absolutely in control, it's just not how anyone dreams of spending their first pregnancy.  I was looking forward to baby showers, and maternity pictures, and putting the finishing touches on the nursery.  And taking my maternity leave after he's born, not before.  I won't get to see my puppies for who knows how long, and those who really know me know that the beagle and I are a little codependent.  So I'm a little sad to be honest.  But at the same time, thankful to have such a supportive husband and family to help me through this.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

30 weeks!

30 weeks today!  I seriously cannot believe it's gone by so quickly...we are on the downhill slope now, and I can't wait to meet our sweet little boy.  We have been very productive since my last post!  Finally finished the laundry room, which funny enough was one of the first things I wanted to change when we bought our house, but we kind of ran out of motivation after renovating all the other rooms!  It was just a facelift really - fresh paint, new shelves, and some much needed additional storage, but it has already made life so much easier.  As far as the nursery goes, we still need to put the crib together (seriously need to get a move on that!!), take the glider to be reupholstered, hang curtains, and finish off the little decorative touches.  It's all things that can be done in a weekend, just need to actually commit a weekend to it. :)

For the most part I have been feeling good - still have a decent amount of energy, but I have been getting Braxton Hicks contractions on an increasing level.  They started at around 26 weeks, and I ended up seeing my doctor for them at 27 weeks.  Everything checked out ok at that visit, but since then they've only gotten worse.  It all seems to be related to activity (not even strenuous activity - I haven't exercised at all this pregnancy), with the majority of them occurring on busy days at work. Yesterday was my 30 week check up, and my doctor did another full exam and sono this time, and discovered that I am starting to show some shortening and thinning of the cervix.  She did a test that is a good indicator of preterm labor, and I should have those results back today or tomorrow, but for now she has restricted my activity - not to the point of bedrest, but to take it as easy as possible.  I'm really hoping and praying that I don't have to go on bedrest!!  I will do whatever it takes for this little guy to arrive here safe and sound though, and preferably not until October!  I have a follow up this Monday to check things again.  The good news is that the baby is healthy and active, but please be praying for me that this all slows down.  I'll keep you all posted on the results!