It seems so surreal to say that. After all the years of trying and praying, to know that in 4 1/2 months we will have a baby in our arms is incredible. Even now, after seeing him several times on the sonograms and having felt him move inside me, I still don't quite believe it.
I know it's been a while since I've posted, but it felt like we just kept having issues come up and I was tired of talking about it honestly. I wanted to wait until I felt like we had a better handle on what the situation was, and also to just feel a little more secure in the safety of this pregnancy. All in all, I've had two weekend ER visits, one emergency doctor visit, and two visits to a perinatologist. I am so thankful to the Lord to say that I haven't had any bleeding in four weeks now, which has been the longest stretch so far without an issue! The doctors were concerned about a short cervix and a low-lying placenta, in addition to the hematoma, but everything seems to be normalizing at this point. We had our 20 week sonogram today, and the little guy is doing just great! I have another visit with the specialist next week, and I am hopeful that he will release me at that point.
So now it's time to finish getting ready! The nursery is about halfway done, but we still have to organize all of our closets to make room for all the junk. And clean out the garage, and I want to redo the laundry room, and the master bedroom, and fix the fence and plant a new flower bed, and try to squeeze in a weekend this list seeming long to anyone else?? :) We better get started!